
Showing posts from September, 2019

When you are on your own...

Friday 9/6/19 After Thursday I needed a work out on Friday.  Thursday was shitty.  Just shitty.  There are always things at work just made it that.  I won't go into it but anger was at an all time high.  So, I needed the workout badly on Friday. The last week and a half I have been working out with Clayton.  He is a trainer and he comes to my house and he is helping me get up and off the couch.  The goal is to make moving in my every day life easier.  I want to be able to get up and off the couch without pain.  I want to get up and move around without getting winded.  I want to be able to move to help me live.  I am working on things in the kitchen.  I know that I can't out workout my fork.  I know that working out won't make me thin.  I had a couple of huge break throughs this week.  Coming up with different ways to beat the urge to get ice-cream was one. Order less food on a trip through the drive thru....