It comes in 3's

It comes in three’s

They say it.  We always say it.  Even if we do not then we think it.  I knew yesterday when I got the text the third was like a storm cloud on the horizon.  It was out there slowly making its way towards me.  Creeping along.  All the positive vibes from a strong Friday that shown good fortune on my company couldn’t put off the ominous text message from Mom, that called the ever so rare family meeting to order. 

I had endured the first as bad news of being overlooked and uninvited to an event that I would have thought to been considered for.  The second was when the one that I had loved for so long married another.  Two things that in hindsight being 20/20 and all seem to be not so bad, but they were at the time. 

The third I found out this a.m. and it is a dagger to the heart.  Mom has Multiple Myeloma.  The same cancer her mother passed from and her brother had, so 20 years ago.  I just sat on the phone and listened and heard it all.  To this point it still hasn’t really sunk in. 

Also, the doctors give her a very good prognosis.  They caught the cancer very early.  They think there is an excellent chance of recovery and remission.  Cancer treatment has come a long way, since her mother passed from it over 40 some years ago. 

The most amazing thing is Mom’s attitude.  She is so upbeat and ready to fight this. She is ready to roll up her sleeves and get the chemo going so she can get past this.  I am so proud of her for having such a great attitude and outlook.  Makes my heart feel warm and full of strength. 

My plans change now.  My imposed exile from Indiana will come to an end.  I will now have to make my way back and see Mom.  Everything changes now because it has to.  Although I know medicine has come a very long way in cancer treatment. We never know how much time we have.  Where once I knew inevitably mom would be back here next February and March, now who knows. 

My heart does hurt, we just got Mom back from the clutches of drink.  I don’t want to lose her again.  However, I will stay the course. My star is on the rise.  I have lost ten pounds from my last weigh in at the doctor’s office.  I am shaking the cobwebs off and getting back into the flow of my life.  I won’t let this get me down not just because I need to live my life to the fullest each.  Also, because Mom wouldn’t want me to do a full relapse.  More importantly I don’t want a full relapse. 

Time to move on.  Time to hope for the best for Mom and time to just keep moving forward. 


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