The Heart: The zio patch and bubbles in the heart

I am fully strapped with a Zio patch as you can.  Why the Zio?  Once again my heart is playing tricks on me.  It simply refuses to stay in rhythm.  I don't help it out so much though.  I refuse to follow the doctors orders and stay on top of my health.  Sometimes I don't know what my problem is.  I want to get better, but sometimes that is all I do is want and wish.  Wanting and wishing is not an actionable item.

I think it is time to start getting serious about getting serious.   The problem isn't having a plan, the problem is actually actioning the plan.  I have people helping me and telling me the right things to do.  Right things of course being very subjective thing.  However, it doesn't matter what is right or wrong when you don't want to do anything but eat the foods you want in the quantities you want.

I don't know, I am going to start rambling here.  I am doing better, much better on the food front 80% of the time.  Its that other 20% that gets me.  It's all right, it's ok.  I am working on figuring it.  I am really trying to listen to my body and see what it needs.  Spinach and baby lettuce intake is up 150% in the last two weeks. I actually want to eat greens and lots of them.  I am trying to eat lower in carbs but still get some carbs in there.

So besides the patch yesterday, I also got an echocardiogram.  You know they took a sonogram of the ticker.  However, they had a hard time seeing my heart.  It could be my huge boobs.  I do have some melons but more likely I think it was my heart not being so good. I am trying to be positive, but it is hard for me to do some times.  So, anyway the shot my heart up with bubbles to get a better contrast. I really hope the pictures worked and my ticker is ok.  The really good news is that I got an IV without fainting.  That is pretty amazing for me.  I couldn't believe it.  I will take that in the win column for Billy b.

Every day being my size and having my issues is a struggle.  However, everyday I get up and I keep fighting the good fight.  Each day I get a little better than before.  =)


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