
6000 Feet over 85 miles…. Enchanted Circle coming August 2025

  6000 Feet over 85 miles…. Enchanted Circle coming August 2025 I'm excited to announce that after the flat Tarwheel ride in North Carolina (8 weeks and counting), with only 500 feet of climbing, I will be taking on a challenging ride in New Mexico this August. This ride features 6,000 feet of elevation gain, twelve times more than the Tarwheel course. Why did I choose such a demanding event to end the summer? I'm eager to push my limits and experience the contrast.  Then again, I might just be a little crazy or a lot, depending on your definition.   This August, I am heading to Red River, New Mexico, for the most challenging ride of my life at the Enchanted Circle Ride. At one point on this ride, you are climbing 2,000 feet over 17 miles. My previous best was 2,000 feet over 50 miles with varied terrain. It's daunting, but I'm excited to prepare my mind, body, and soul for this challenge.   I am making numerous adjustments in preparation for this goal...

TarWheel coming this April

  TarWheel One can’t simply rest on one’s laurels, can one?  That seems like a very fancy sentence for those of us at the Dreaming of a Life Less Ordinary.  I guess that is my fancy way of saying it is time to start targeting a new challenge and while I hope very soon to be announcing two new challenges, right now I can only announce one.   As I continue to check states off my list of places to ride, the next state of our union to be checked off is North Carolina at the Annual TarWheel Cycling Event in Elizabeth City, North Carolina.    The event is Saturday April 12, 2025, in the aforementioned, Elizabeth City.  The distance is 62 miles and like 0 climbing.  This thing is flat as a board, want to insert jokes about prom date, but this is 2025 and there is no room for that, we are an evolved group at the Dream of a Life Less Ordinary.  Although really the elevation gain is 369 feet, which is not much. ...

God Bless Texas… (24 Miles Wintery, Wet, and Windy)

  God Bless Texas… (24 Miles Wintery, Wet, and Windy)   “Oh, how I wish Dallas were in Tennessee…. If you could move Texas East, then she’d be here with me…”   It was that and “Goin' through the Big D and don't mean Dallas.   I can't believe what the judge had to tell us. I got the jeep and she got the palace.” Is what kept ringing in my ears during most of my time I was in the Lone Star State.   Well to be perfectly honest once in a blue moon I would break out with “If you’re gonna play in Texas, you gotta have fiddle in the band, that lead guitar is hot, but not for a Louisiana Man.” Then I kept wondering what the Louisiana man was doing in Texas.   However, that is a little off the point.   I guess when I was in Texas, I wanted to sing a little country music, and I most definitely was in Texas and I most definitely sang a little country music or what I could remember of the country I grew up listening to.   State number 3 has been marke...

Happy Halloween

10/31/2024 – Happy Halloween "Hey man, I think I like being scared And I wish you all were there Man I really, really think, really think That I think I like being scared" - Dangerous Toys, Scared “Scritch, Scritch, Scritching at the door.” The Bounty Man, Into the Badlands (1991). Every year since 2018 or 2019 I have wanted to tell a Halloween tale.  Every year over that time Halloween has come and gone, like a wraith that goes bump in the night and my tale never materializes.   On September 28, 2024, I sat down though, and I started to write a Halloween tale.  I am three thousand five hundred words into that tale but even so, we have just scratched the surface with what I want to tell.  It is something, that I need to spend a lot more time with before I can release it, or any part of it.   Now we have 9 hours still left in Halloween 2024, but I think starting this story and peeling back the onion a little bit has come to make this one ...

The Continental 48 and it starts with San Antonio

  The Continental 48 and it starts with San Antonio   Sometime shortly after the Dam-to-Dam ride last September, I got to thinking like I normally do, about what it next.  Would I dare to do the RAIN ride?  Would I try another century? Perhaps a ride around ole Gitche Gumee? Did I want to focus on swimming?  Maybe another triathlon? Lots of questions with no real answer.   I settled on wanting to keep riding.  Let my body rest a little bit but keep up the riding.  So, as I sat around looking up rides to do on google, I kept getting hits for rides in Ohio, Kentucky, and even Illinois. I thought why not go try and ride in another state, that could be fun.  I could find a location ride to do in 2025.   I keep thinking about riding in different places.  Then I had a vision of me packing up Nebula and putting the bike on the back and driving to these different locations to ride. I really start...

Dam to Dam - September 8, 2024

  Dam to Dam - September 8, 2024   The 15 th annual Dam to Dam has come and gone.   I am very happy to have been part of it.   The ride is not without its faults, and the day was not perfect, but it was overall a great ride.   Wabash, IN is sort of in the middle of no where up in Northern Indiana.   North of Kokomo and east of Peru and not far from Miami and Mexico.   Yes, I know that sounds like a lot of different geography, but those are all towns around Wabash.   If you happened to drive from Terre Haute to Wabash like we did, then you have gone through Brazil, however, Brazil isn’t close to Wabash.   Wabash is probably three times the size of Colusa, CA which is where last year’s main ride took place.     So compared to where we did our century ride last year, we were in a boom metropolis.   I liked Wabash, it was a quant little town.   The Hampton Inn where we stayed was super nice.   Everyone was friend...

Beaten and Broken – my path to 46 Miles…

  Beaten and Broken – my path to 46 Miles…   It has been a long time since I quit.  I mean just thrown my hands up in the air and said fuck it, I am done and just walked away from something.   Getting beat on the bike takes a lot of different criteria all coming together and making you so overwhelmed that you just can’t go on.   I do remember the last time I quit.  I was in Watsonville, CA.  It was during my tri training.  I had a horrible day on the bike.  There was some guy who was stuck sweeping me in.  Hill after hill kicked my ass.  I was not having any fun.  So, got off the bike and said to the guy “Fuck it I am done”.  I think he was a little dumb founded and didn’t know what to say or do.  So, he got on the phone and called the coaches, but by this time, I had determined I was not going to quit and I got back on my bike, and I finished the game, ...