
38+ Miles: 38.77 miles Elevation Gain: 1,893 ft Moving Time: 3:55 minutes Avg Speed: 9.9 mph Temperature: 91F Let’s just get the stats out of the way first. All in all, it was a good ride, although, I do hate the average speed. I felt like I was faster than that yesterday. However, with some climbing and some heat issues, I probably wasn’t as fast as I wanted to be. The scheduled called for 38 – 42 for the group ride. I had every intention of getting closer to that 42 than the 38, but sometimes you have human moments when you are out riding the bike. It was one of the first time I went out without having a planned route, I figured I knew just enough to piece it together are I went. I knew I was going to start by heading to Ellettsville. Then I figured I could cut across campus and get in 5 miles, and by the time I got back home, I would be at about 40 if not a little bit more. I wa...