The Story Behind “Take that Law Lane”

Many of you have seen a post I put on my Instagram and Facebook of me riding up Law Lane in Bloomington, Indiana. What most of you don’t know is this was not just another hill for me to climb. The ride up Law Lane has been a story 28 years in the making. See this if you will, a young man of 19 stopping in a bike shop in Bloomington, Indiana on his way home from Louisville. He buys his second Mountain Bike. Unfortunately, some asshole had stolen his first Mountain Bike out of the basement of his fraternity house. Joel his friend helps him pick out a nice purple bike for riding to class come the next fall. It’s a nice Cannondale. Let’s fast forward a few months now to the fall of his sophomore year. He is very excited about his purple bike, Grimace if you will, because we know this man, even back then when he was young like to name his bikes. He heads out onto campus to ride to class. He likes it. Sure,...