
Showing posts from April, 2024

The last few weeks in cycling….

  Time has been short.  I have just been busy.  No time to sit down to journal or blog.  It is a combination of work being work, well work.  I had started a blog about my ride out to Muscatatuck National Wildlife Refuge and how I felt like Frodo in the Fellowship of the Ring when the Fellowship was trying to get into Lothlorien.  The elves would not let them in and everyone in the Fellowship seemed to be hating Frodo and giving him the stink eye.  Well, that is how I felt climbing to and back from Muscatatuck.  Like everyone was giving me the stink eye because I can climb, it is just long, and slow climbing for me.  The short, steep little hills are kicking my ass around here.  The 30 some mile ride ended up being great.  I just hated the idea of having to go back up the big hill.  However, I made it, no quit in me.    Then last week, I got in three rides outdoors.  I love to ride outside.  Well, most of the...

Nice N Easy Ride to Ellettsville

   Allen, Gale, Aaron, Billy b, and Tom Bloomington was like a ghost town this morning.  It is like the entire town is holding its breath waiting for what the Eclipse will bring.  Apparently 450,000 people are on their way to the B.  That is almost 5x the normal size of the town.  I guess being the epicenter of the Eclipse in these parts brings the people out.  I left the house this a.m. for the first and last time today taking Kona on her morning drive and to get my Diet Dr. Pepper at the Circle K.  It felt like I was driving in the Walking Dead, no one was out.  A normally packed Circle K was empty.    I am not here to talk about the Eclipse though.  As much as part of me thinks it has a purge-like quality to it.  Where soon as the sun is shaded by the moon that all hell will break out.  No, no, I will save that for some type of Sci-Fi writing, an idea stored away for later.  No, we are here today to talk about my ...

Three Laps around Ohio

  Three Laps around Ohio First, can I just say BTFU!  Or just Boiler Up!  Indiana Grad and fan but I was raised in a Purdue Household and long have they suffered from not being able to win the big game.  Congratulations to Purdue Nation, you are going to the Final Four!   Now onto more important and pressing matters.  It had been a one hundred and sixty five days since I had ridden Cylon properly.  Yes, there were a few times in the bike shop during the fitting phase where I had to get on her and peddle.  However, that isn’t really riding in my opinion.  Especially, when it was just a quick spin to see if it as sitting on the bike properly.  That all finally changed on Sunday when I finally got my bike out and road. Rain or shine I was riding this Sunday.  Hell, i would have ridden in a hail storm if I had too.  See, I finally got to use my new rack this weekend.  I went to Mom’s for the Easter Holiday, which happened...