Easy Ride

I am interested to get feedback on my ride today. I worked really hard at not going to hard today. Lol! When the coach says ride like you’re riding with a 4 year old you have to try to keep it at an easy pace. Gods know there were times I wanted to crank it up. Todays course is a flat one and I really Road like I wasn’t going to hard. Plus, it was my second workout of the day. I had already done a 35 minute walk with Clayton and Kona Bear. Been a long time since I have done two workouts in one day. A very long time indeed. However, where I was exhausted this a.m. during the walk and the easy pushes and pulls we did, I was more awake and invigorated while on the bike. I mean I exhausted right now. Ready for bed at 3:30 PM on a Sunday afternoon, but still, for a little bit, I felt better. I am generally worried about this tiredness. I feel like I have been tired for the last month. ...