The Old Rugged Cross Road!

Friday 3/24/2023 The old rugged cross, I remember Grandpa Burkle signing it when he lived with us. I loved Grandpa Burkle but wasn’t always nice to him. None of us were. Regrets. I thought a lot about Grandpa Burkle yesterday when I was thinking about this entry because of Cross Road. Going out there for the first time of the young cycle season. I loved my Grandpa, but I wasn’t always the best kid. Anyways… this blog isn’t about regret. I just wanted to say I love you Grandpa Burkle wherever you are in the ether. When I think of the Old Rugged Cross I think of you. Now… this blog entry is about riding, it’s about feeling good, free, and powerful. Most of my blog entries are about riding so this should not be a surprise. When I talk about the old rugged cross, I mean the old rugged cross road, which has been my nemesis for the last year... I’m not gonna lie I didn’t want to go to Cross Road yesterday....