I'm Back, Baby

I'm Back, Baby - Bender Bending Rodriquez The voices started in my head almost immediately. You walk down the hall way, and the voice, that little voice in the back of your mind telling you that it wants you to be long in the water. That you need to glide. Your arms are suddenly up. One stretched straight in front of you with your fingers pointing out straight. The other hand is paralell with your ear and its cocked backed, locked in loaded to short forward. You continue down the hall and the voice whispers as your shot your cocked hand forward and pull your other hand back "Remember to be long in the water and glide..." If someon was watching you they'd think you were having a fit. You aren't. You are just excided because for the first time since Mid-February you are able to get into a pool. You wondered when this day woule come again. If anyone told you it would be more than a half year since you were...